Use Your Knowledge of English: 

What is the density of water in lb/ft3, if the density of water at 25oC is 1.00 g/ml?    [Hint: There are 2.54 cm = 1 in
(or 16.48 cm3 = 1 in3); 454 g = 1 lb ]

_???__ lb/ft3= 1.00 g/mL

1. From the Problem write down all the Equivalent Relationships given or Unit Factors.
  • 2.54 cm = 1 in (or 16.48 cm3 = 1 in3)
  • 454 g = 1 lb

2. Beware of our Tricks!

  • We disguise numbers by making them words.

  • We leave out obvious equivalent relationships, or relationships we think you should know.

    1 mL = 1 cm3

    12 inch = 1 ft but I need (123 inch3 = 13 ft3) or (1728 inch3 = 1 ft3)

  • We stick extra information in the form of numbers and equivalent relationship you will not need to solve the problem

3. Formulate a road map which connects the unit of the given to the unit of the answer by equivalent relationships.

The Solution:

  ??? lb = 1.00 g X 1 lb X 1 mL X 16.48 cm3 X 1728 in3 = 62.4 lb  

1 ft3 1 ml 454 g 1 cm3 1 in3 1 ft3 1 ft3